Tag Archives: entertainment

‘The Breakfast Club’ Ends the MFF Summer Movie Series at Montclair State University

The Montclair Film Festival ended their Summer Movie Series with the showing of John Hughes 1985 classic ‘The Breakfast Club’. The arguably all-time best high school flick ever made, and on of Hughes most identifiable works.

This film strikes a chord with everyone who sees it, and tonight was no different. Pre-movie entertainment consisted of a collection of some of the best music from the 80s (Tom Petty, Pat Benatar, Modern English….), which got the crowd in the mood for one of the best, hard-hitting films ever to come out of the 80s. The crowd seemed excited for this film to begin, especially after the success of the rest of the summer series. It was a beautiful night or an outdoor film, even though I felt a few raindrops fall during the start of the movie at a little before 9:00, the weather immediately cleared as a perfect breeze moved in for the rest of the night.

Both young and old attended; this wasn’t just a student event. Those who remembered ‘The Breakfast Club’ from the 80s in the theaters attended, those who have been introduced to the classic on VHS and DVD, and those who had never seen this ‘must see’ film before. The crowd easily exceeded 250 individuals, and as with the previous outdoor showing of ‘Big’, this movie attracted passersby all night.

Everyone enjoyed hearing the multitude of classic lines from this film, such as; “So it’s sorta social, demented and sad, but social, Right?”, “Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?”

This film does a masterful job of bringing you back to your teen years, bringing up memories of the ‘cliques’ back in high school and how the we’re so different and yet so very much alike. ‘The Breakfast Club’ started out as five very different teenagers who for one reason or another ended up in detention, and quickly became a group who recognized the need for support and encouragement.

With the summer ending on a high note with the successful showing of ‘The Breakfast Club’, I look forward to future showings of more classic movies in and around the Montclair, New Jersey area.


Filed under Entertainment, Movie Review, Movies, Perception, Psychology

Food Matters – A Review

Ok, so I told myself that I wouldn’t get into movie reviews in my blog, but I saw this outstandingly important documentary/movie called Food Matters, and it is a documentary that everyone needs to see! I definitely wouldn’t call this a horror movie, but it is horrible what we seem to be doing to ourselves and the food that we put into our bodies(most of us). This documentary goes into what we are doing wrong as a people, what some of us are doing right, and the effect of our actions.

“Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food.” a statement made by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. What Hippocrates seemed to mean was eat nutritionally sound foods and your body will take care of itself, and that is the whole point of this film, when properly maintained by providing it with the proper fuel the human body will run without fault and combat most disease. Now this film makes no illusion that when catastrophic disaster strikes the body that medication is not required, all of the professional physicians and nutritionists and naturopaths admit that is necessary for medicinal intervention.

This film presents commentary from a wide variety of professional physicians, nutritionists, naturopaths, professors, authors, and other authorities; Ian Brighthope, Jerome Burne, Charlotte Gerson, Dan Rodgers, Andrew W. Saul, David Wolfe, Victor Zeines.

This is a film about your body and what you put in it, it’s about how we are destroying the soil and what grows out of it, it’s about how all of the has affected you and is affecting you, and what we all can do about it. This is not something that you want to miss!

Food Matters. (2008). Retrieved from Netflix: http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Food_Matters/70123196?trkid=2361637

Anonymous. (2008). Food Matters. Retrieved from IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1528734/

Colquhoun, J., & Ledesma, C. (Directors). (2008). Food Matters [Motion Picture].

Delvey, J. (n.d.). Hippocrates. Retrieved from http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/Museum/hippoc.html

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Filed under Film, Health, Movie Review, Movies, Nature, Philosophy, Science