
Why is our ecology and environment important? Why is it important that we support ecological conservation and natural preservation? Would you want to live in a dirty, run-down home with tires and broken bottles on the front lawn? No, I didn’t think so……well this planet is our home and nature is our front lawn and we(whether we like it or not)are the caretakers of this planet and it is up to us to maintain it for ourselves and the rest of its inhabitants.

It’s inhabitants, that’s us and the natural animal population. We must think of the animal population not as lower forms of life, but as our neighbors. The animal population of the world deserves as must respect as we do(remember, they have to look at our stuff the same way we have to look at theirs). When you get into an argument with your neighbor Bob you don’t go and trash his front lawn, so why let that happen to innocent animals who are only pursuing their natural instinctive rights?

What sort of a home will we be living in, what sort of home will we be leaving for the children of the world if we don’t deal with our environmental issues. Back before the industrial age this was a beautiful, untainted world, and it can be again if we balance our industry with tempered wisdom. It is not only our responsibility as caretakers of this world to use our wisdom to ensure the well-being of our environment, but it is our responsibility to our own reputation as  a people to be able to say “This my home, look at it, wouldn’t you like to stay for a while?”

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