Monthly Archives: June 2012

Nurturing Nature

Nature, our ecological habitat, the environment in which we live….our home. Without a doubt our ecology should be at the forefront of our concerns, because our home is where we live, where our children have to live….this is our legacy.

“The only thing you take with you when you’re gone is what you leave behind.” John Allston

We as the planets’ caretakers have a responsibility to those who inhabit the earth with us, we even have a responsibility to our own reputations. Our environment is a reflection on who we are and what we are  capable of achieving.

With the advent of the Industrial Age during the 18th century great heights were reached, and great creative achievements were attained. However over the centuries, as we reveled in our accomplishments, and progressed further in our collective genius, it appears that we have lost sight as to what is most  important….our environment and what those accomplishments are doing to it.

Nature occasionally requires a little help keeping up with the alien devices and pollutants that our technology has introduced into it, because by introducing something SO DIFFERENT, SO FAST is not healthy for any system. It is also a matter of accountability; when you make a mess of someone else’s house, you are responsible for cleaning it up……nature is EVERYONE ELSE’S house.

It is critically important that we remember as a people where we came from, this is what keeps us grounded, from getting to full of ourselves. We humans often think of ourselves as the greatest, most dominant species on the face of the earth, and perhaps we are…..but where would we all be without nature. Our great achievements would not be possible; constructing the Pyramids at Giza, the Gardens of Babylon, Machu Picchu…..or even the more important achievements, like feeding the hungry, educating the young, and putting clothes on our children’s backs, without resources that we get from nature.

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