Monthly Archives: January 2012

Vampires….not what you think.

Vampires, the ancient evil that plagued medieval Europe’s perceptions of the night, the immortal terror that would supposedly stalk the people of that time by cover of darkness, those beings who would exsanguinate people for sustenance. But there are people among us today who exhibit all of the aspects of the Vampire.

There are two different distinct definitions of the term Vampire according to Webster’s Dictionary,

Vam-pire, noun                                                                                                                                                                              

1 : the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood  of persons asleep
2 a : one who lives by preying on others
   b : a woman who exploits and ruins her lover
The most telling of these two definitions is the second, “One who lives by preying on others”.
Odds are that you know one of these emotional vampires, these are the people who can suck the fun out of any situation, those who drain your energy without offering anything in return. These can be the interfering mother-in-law, the overbearing boss, “The Victim”(the most deceptive of all the emotional vampires), those who must control every situation, those who constantly talk and never allow you to be part of the conversation, and the Drama Queen. These are often referred to as narcissists, depending on the level to which they take their behavior.
There are tried and true method of combating these individuals ‘energy-sucking’ abilities, and it doesn’t involve using a cross, holy water or a wooden stake. The way to handle these ’emotional vampires’ is with self-confidence, tenacity, and a self-optimistic viewpoint. The general method for handling these people is to ignore them, but these ’emotional vampires’ will often not recognize their behavior…, you often will have to stand up for yourself and assert your own personality.
So, remember…..that when you refer to the ‘vampire’, you are referring to a creature that is a metaphor for some of our darkest, most socially disruptive psychological dysfunctions, narcissism, obsession, and sociopathology.


Emotional Freedom, Judith Orloff, MD
Webster’s Dictionary
Psychology Today

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Filed under History, Horror, Perception, Psychology

Mental Pools

We all play in our own individual pools of thought and perception, these are unique to each of us(as unique as our own fingerprints). These ‘pools’ of thought often dictate how we approach the world and other individuals, how we view ourselves and how we deal with problems and issues that may arise…..these pools are always expanding as we learn and grow as individuals, as we experience new events, our pools may even overflow into the pools of others.

In order to understand where other people are ‘coming from’, we often will have to ‘play in other people’s pools’, getting inside another persons head, sharing in another person’s experiences. Through sharing we can often open up rivulets between individual pools of thought and perception, which allows us to expand ourselves, our nature, and our concept of existence.

The introduction of trauma, damaging emotions, or thought patterns have often caused a ‘ripple effect’ in many pools of thought, creating feelings of guilt, depression, and inadequacy. These thoughts and perceptions effect everyone connected with that individual in a multitude of ways….so, be careful before you ‘pee in someone else’s pool'(you never know what the effect might be).

Fortunately, this works both ways… trauma and damaging emotions have a ‘ripple effect’ in one’s pool of thought, so do positive emotions, these often have an effect on everyone(assuming that their ‘pool’ hasn’t been mired by too many depressing, negative emotions).

So, although we have these pools of thought and perception that we all have that often dictate how we will view the world and others, it is important that we engage in relationships with others, that we experience new things when we can, that we do what we can to make ourselves better people. In other words, when the opportunity presents itself, go ahead and jump in the ocean.

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Filed under Perception, Philosophy, Psychology

Happy New Year……or Is It?

December 21, 2012 is the predicted end time by the Mayan calendar, it is actually the time of the upcoming ‘Galactic Alignment’. The Galactic Alignment occurs once every 26,000 years, which this year is the end of the Mayan Long Count Calender.

The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.

Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Because the sun is one-half of a degree wide, it will take the December solstice sun 36 years to process through the Galactic equator.

The precise alignment of the solstice point (the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth) with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997).

A great many people seem to be fearing this upcoming occurrence, calling it the Apocalypse as predicted by John of Patmos in the Book of Revelation. What many do not realize is that the literal translation of the term ‘Apocalypse’ is “Lifting of The Veil” or “Revelation”. If John is accurate, and this is the Apocalypse that he spoke of, then we may just be shown something that is of great importance….Apocalypse does not necessarily mean the end of the world.

So, have a Happy New Year, and don’t worry about it.

What Is The Galactic AlignmentJohn Major Jenkins



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